miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

space mision

SCENE 1Narrator: Teng phone Jaison for one mission inner space in Jupiter.Teng: Agent Jaison worn Agent Eloi and go in to de NASA for one mission on Jupiter.Jaison: OK, now go.Teng: ByeJaison: ByeNarrator: One hour lateEloi: What problem Agent Jaison?Jaison: The problem is one mission in to Jupiter.Eloi: Ok, going to the NASA.SCENE 2Narrator: When go in NASA their talk in rooms none TengEloi: When start the mission?Teng: Now.Jaison: Oh no!!! I have a wedding of my brother.Eloi: No problem the solution is when you go in the wedding and my wet for you.Jaison: Teng, I tell will go to the mission after the wedding.Teng: Ok, late postpone of the day 26 of the July.Jaison: Ok, bye.Teng: Bye.Narrator: Three months later.Teng: Hi, Agent Jaison and Agent Eloi.Eloi: How stats the mission? Teng: Now.Jaison: Ok.Narrator: the track in the offTeng: Missing for ten seconds offTeng: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, off.Teng: Bye Agents.SCENE 3Narrator: the astronauts there’re in the space.Eloi: Jaison there’re in the space.Jaison: Yes, it’s incredible.Eloi: Saw!! In to the window there’s a black hole.Jaison: I can not be I dream.Eloi: No, you don’t dream.Narrator: The black hole aspire the rocket of the astronauts. In planet of one galaxy in the universe.Eloi: How do you are?Jaison: Ok, and you?Eloi: Ok.Jaison: Shhh! No speak please heard something.Eloi: Ok I share up.Narrator: there’re an alien they speak including. The more intelligent was realized when spy.Roger: Agusti I think we are spies.Agusti: And my Roger.Roger: We go to explore.Jaison: They come to us.Eloi: Yes and we Jaison go his spacecraft.Jaison: Hide in his spacecraft.Eloi: Ok.Narrator: After while.Roger: Go to the spacecraft Agusti.Agusti: We will explain everything that has happened a Capitan.Roger: Ok Agusti.SCENE 4 Narrator: In the spacecraft.Roger: We going to Agusti: Yes see there a black hole it is very estrange in this part of the galaxy.Roger: Yes it is the part most the north.Agusti: We have to leave hereRoger: Yes, we have.Narrator: When the two stood up to look at the warehouse were the bustle and was captured, has never know anything.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

brasil adetat un nou planeta an els seus potenst telesco pis,satur te mes forÇa de gravetat,i que la terra te menys força degravetat,la lluna te menys que la terra i per aixo es com que estigues volan i que tanbe ia mes galaxies en tot el universla nostre es la mes petites de totesi en cada galaxia n'hi ha mes de 1billon de estels

i que els sientific fan el pociple per tro bar vida aliengena en tot el univers hi ha gent que va el espai

con els astronautes a motls mons di ferens al nostre a galaxias diferen ala nostra a estels que no coneixen

mol ve com la nostre no saltres son motl petits per un univers tan gran com el nostre